
Matthew McGeorge
Matthew McGeorge
Camp Director; CLC Chair 2023
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 1992 (as Junior Unit camper) Staff positions held: PA, CIT, Counselor, Unit Director, Campfire Director, Spirit...
Ana Flores-Siemsen
Ana Flores-Siemsen
Camp Registrar
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 1982 (Junior Unit camper) Staff positions held: PA, CIT, Counselor, Sr. Unit Director, PA Unit Director...
Brig Summers
Brig Summers
CLC Member-at-Large 2023-2025
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 1970s Staff positions held: Pretty much all of them, from Archery to Camp Director Bio: Among other...
Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams
Asst. Registrar
Jenn first attended CSA in 2019, joining the CSA Camp Leadership Committee in 2021 as Assistant Registrar. She has subsequently continued on the...
Denora Smith
Denora Smith
Scarf Director
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 2000 Bio: Seventeen years ago, I was invited by a close family friend to come join this summer camp that she...
Tiffany Egli
Tiffany Egli
Archery Director
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 1995 Bio: First attended from 1995-2002, baby hiatus: 2002-2011, returned 2011, and has been director of CSA's...
Brian Smith
Brian Smith
Operations Director
Brian started coming to camp in 1989 as a Jr. Boy. After a hiatus, Brian returned to Camp in 2015, and has been Operations Director since 2021.
Sara-Catherine Paoli
Sara-Catherine Paoli
Assistant Director
Taylor Howe
Taylor Howe
Staff Liason
Taylor started coming to camp in 2022. Taylor joins the CSA Camp Leadership Committee in 2024 as a Staff Liason.
Mike Siemsen
Mike Siemsen
Asst. Operations Director & Member-at-Large
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 2006 Staff positions held: Counselor, Campfire Director, Spirit Director, Camp Director, Asst. Ops...
Jon Chiu
Jon Chiu
Medical Director
Erik Siemsen
Erik Siemsen
Spirit Director
Erik first attended camp as a Junior in 2007, has been a Leader Trainee, Counselor-in-Training, Counselor, and has been appointed Spirit Director...
Michael Paoli
Michael Paoli
Michael first attended CSA as a 10-year-old Intermediate, returning every year thereafter until he was 21. In 2013 he returned to CSA along with...
Cindy Cuevas
Cindy Cuevas
Registrations Account Manager
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 1972 Staff positions held: Counselor, Unit Director, Music Director, Program Director, Camp...
Nick Camper
Nick Camper
Campfire Director; CLC Member-at-Large
Bright Winn
Bright Winn
Chaplain; Nature Director
Delaney Nunes
Delaney Nunes
Program Director
Delaney first attended camp as a Junior in 2007, has been a Leader Trainee, Counselor-in-Training, Counselor, was most recently appointed Program...