- director’s greetings -
“Nullam vel pellentesque tortor, nec ornare enim. Praesent vehicula. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam eleifend, eu scel erisque nisl fermentum. Nam sit amet placerat eros, id faucibus. Nullam vel pellentesque tortor, nec ornare enim...”
[cq_vc_testimoniallist images=”133,134,135″ imagewidth=”180″ username=”Methew Green,Lisa Simpson,Alisia Mann” userrole=”7 y.o.,10 y.o.,9 y.o.” namecolor=”#444444″ textalign=”center” delaytime=”4″][testimonialitem]It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back![/testimonialitem][testimonialitem]It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back![/testimonialitem][testimonialitem]It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back![/testimonialitem][/cq_vc_testimoniallist]
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back![/testimonialitem][testimonialitem]It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back![/testimonialitem][testimonialitem]It was the best summer camp ever! I had great time here and have
met a lot of new friends! I’ll be back![/testimonialitem][/cq_vc_testimoniallist]
- our staff -
Meet Our Leadership
Ana Flores-Siemsen
Camp Registrar
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 1982 (Junior Unit camper)
Staff positions held: PA, CIT, Counselor, Sr. Unit Director, PA Unit Director...
Brian Smith
Operations Director
Brian started coming to camp in 1989 as a Jr. Boy. After a hiatus, Brian returned to Camp in 2015, and has been Operations Director since 2021.
Brig Summers
CLC Member-at-Large 2023-2025
First year at Camp St. Andrews: 1970s
Staff positions held: Pretty much all of them, from Archery to Camp Director
Among other...