CSA Year-end Letter 2018
Hello Camp Community and Family!
I believe all attendees of Camp St. Andrews 2018 will agree that our trip to SPACE was among the most incredible camp weeks they’ve ever experienced! We owe everything to our extraordinary Staff and Program Aides who went above and beyond to ensure every camper returned home with cherished memories, new friends, and endless stories to share. Thank you all for making a huge, positive impact on so many lives!
Though this summer’s camp week has passed, Camp St. Andrews’ work continues. We have several key events scheduled over the next few months and encourage all to participate, if possible.
On October 13th, 2018, we will be holding our annual election meeting for 2019’s Camp Director, Medical Director, Scarf Director, Chaplain, and one Member-at-Large (three-year term). This meeting is extremely important as it ensures that CSA’s Camp Leadership Committee (CLC) truly represents the many voices of our camp community – so we hope to see everyone there. The meeting will be held at St. Andrews Church in San Bruno, 1600 Santa Lucia Ave. at 10:00 AM. Anyone who has held a CSA Board/Leadership Committee or camp staff position in the past three years may vote.
If you would like more information on any of the above positions, or to nominate yourself for any of 2019’s community-elected director position, please send an email to nominations@campsaintandrews.org. Self-nominations must be received no later than Friday, September 7, 2018.
The schedule summary for 2018 – 2019 camp events and planning meetings is included with this letter. All are invited (and encouraged!) to attend the meetings, however, only Camp Leadership Committee members are required to attend.
Again, THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Camp St. Andrews so successful this past year, and to all the CAMPERS who make it all worth it.
Mike Siemsen
Camp Director, 2018